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Our Board

The Board of Directors of Pavilion Theatre Management Company Ltd are as follows (please click on the name for a short biography of that board member):

Enda Cunningham (Chairman) Date of appointment: Feb 2012

Mary Hanafin Date of appointment: Jun 2014

Chrissie Poulter Date of appointment: Jun 2017

Dr Therese Moylan Date of appointment: Jun 2017

Conor O Leary Date of appointment: Sep 2017

Owen Roe Date of appointment: Jun 2019

Frank Curran Date of appointment: May 2022

Hilary McCowen Date of appointment: Sep 2023

Paul Kennedy Date of appointment: Sep 2023

Frank McNamara Date of appointment: Jun 2024

Michael Clark Date of appointment: Jun 2024

Mary Fayne Date of re-appointment: Jun 2024

To Comply with the Governance Transparency Scale for organisations in receipt of Arts Council recurring funding, see below links to information about the company.
Click here to see a signed Financial Statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2023
Click here to see a signed Financial Statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2022
Click here to see a signed Financial Statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2021
Click here to see a signed Financial Statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2020
Click here to see a signed Financial Statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2019

Click here to read Pavilion's Constitution which was approved by Special Resolution at Annual General Meeting on 26th April 2019

Pavilion Theatre Management Company Ltd. is committed to good governance and has embarked upon the journey of compliance with the Governance Code.
Pavilion Theatre Management Company Ltd. complies with all regulatory requirements and operates in accordance with its governing document.
Pavilion Theatre Management Company Ltd. keeps detailed books and records of accounts and maintains strict financial controls. The organisation is transparent in its audited financial statements. It is currently compliant with the guidelines given in the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) for charities as outlined in the Arts Council’s document ‘Recommended Guidelines for Financial Reporting’ in 2016 in respect of accounts for 2020.
Pavilion Theatre Management Company Ltd. is a registered Charity (CHY20042578), the company registration number is 314064.